*~~Part 1 of: Gothic Trials and Tribulations~~*
Every Goth's Nightmare; imperfect eyebrows.
Trials and Tribulations is a new series of posts that will highlight things that drive all us darkling beauties insane, feel free to send yours in!
So if you're like me and a lot of my other freaky friends, chances are you shave off or shape most, if not all of, your brows!
I've done most all of the fabulously funky and downright awful goth brow styles going, I'm going to take you through the good ~ the bad ~ and the beautiful!
** For priming my skin before perfect eyebrows, if I am shooting or going out and want a perfectly polished looking base, I use my Naturals Collection concealer first, wait for it to dry, or apply some powder to my T zone to avoid shiny skin, then carefully draw the design on, in either pencil or liquid eyeliner.
I do this because one of my pet hates is people who shave off their brows and don't realize the skin on their foreheads is a lot whiter than the rest of their face - awkward!!
The good;
The super-gawf
I like these, simply because; sometimes a girl needs all the fierce! These are always fun to do but a complete bitch to ever actually get right! I am guilty of white-space-brows here, yeesh, that sorta ruins it for me xD
The Slightly-upturned-signyfing angry
I actually love these, I thought turning them up at the points would help my rage face, it totally did. Also the random little spikes looked pretty sweet in ze end :D
The don't-even-care-double
So these were not everyone's cup of chai and probably won't be yours either, but I thought they were a bloody stroke of genius at the time! Pink and blue, matches the makeup and lippie, pssh, what more could you want?!
The Grouch
Me being me decided that obviously my brows needed to match my fluffy bear hat, which they did pretty damned perfectly :D I really loved these, as I've never really seen green eyebrows done that well before and I still think I pulled these off!
The bad;
The shocked woman
I am fully aware that my facial expression isn't doing me much justice, but never were these bloody awful brows! The points are uneven, and swept much too high for a pin-up look :( ho hum, back to the drawing board!
The dear-god-why-would-I-have-natural-anything?!
So yeah I look pretty smokin' ( if I do say so myself, which I do ;D ) considering this was a pretty bad shoot, I liked everything, but afterwards what are those FREAKING CATERPILLARS DOING ON MY FACE. A recent poll has confirmed that I should in no way be natural, ever, in any way, nope.
The archetypical Gothique fail
Now before you all giggle your tits off I'm damned sure we've all been guilty of this one at some point or other...Oooh these eyebrows look perfect on this "goth eyebrows" Google search, I could totally do those myself! nononononono
The I'm-going-for-a-blue-thing-geddit
I am sorry, I am so so sorry. I thought I was going for an awesome bubble-goth-candy-raver thing but I ended up an un-hot mess :/ Blue eyeliner all over doesn't suit anyone anyways but matching eyebrows really ruined it! Too much blue in one photo, 0/10 would not admit that's me.
The uber-gawfik-curvezz
I did these all the bloody time and I still have no idea why...it's not a good look! Why drag the corners down so they touch my eyeliner? I have no idea, and all I can do is apologize profusely.
I went through a stage of wanting my eyebrows back, I'm not overly sure why, but this was the result. A tardy Aizun face and some barely-there brows that look silly, even when I tried to pluck them into submission.
The light blue mess
I hate the slightly circular shape, I hate the sheeny peacocky blue, and I hate the hair. Overall - hate out of 100.
The beautiful;
The Siouxsie Sioux's!
These are my absolute favourite brows ever, although they always have a very mixed reaction! Some of my friends think they make me look like a sad puppy, whereas others can't believe how even I get them :D practice makes perfect, but I wouldn't recommend you trying these without the complete Eighties look, they take ages to get right, and even then they are very much not for everyone.
The curved Siouxsie
The curved Siouxsie really mixed up the regular Siouxsie brows a bit for a dramatic Halloween look :) Hard to get level and even but I think I did pretty well!
The extreme shape
I really do love these and do these more than most other styles here! Just above the eyeliner so no joining them up faux-pas! Epic curved shape, perfect for really dark looks or gothing up regular outfits!
Fierce perfection
Like the above but these just went *perfect* that day for some reason.
The Candy Rave
I love everything about these, the dots, the coupling of pink and blue, the super thick pink eyeliner <3 ugh, lovely! Also I've never got the staple goth "face-dots" that amazing ever again xD
So I hope you liked reading through these and looking at laughing at the photos, I want to see some of your goth fails too so email me at necroghoul13@rocketmail.com with the title "reader goth fails" and some photos, and I'll include you on my blog <3
Also next time I will be showing you other hilarious makeup things that I thought were great at the time xD dotty eyebrows...just why?!
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