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Sunday, March 23

I'm going on a rant, because too many women are being bullied into worrying about their dress size...

If you're a woman, as I'm sure most of my readers are, I'm sure you've often felt or thought "I'm fat" or, just as damaging people have told you you are too big.

I have had enough! I get messages from, what are essentially, little girls with too much time on their hands and a hell of a lot of growing up to do, and internet trolls, they nearly always equate to the same thing.
These messages will say things like; "Oh, if you're a model then you're a role model for women and young girls, you should be a smaller size" or my personal favourite that made my head spin round and then breathe fire; "You're a size 12, don't you think you should lose some weight?"

No honeybunch, I do not!

I'm of the opinion, that as long as you're happy FUCK what size you are! You, as a woman, should be supported by other women and made to realise just how freaking gorgeous you are! Whether you're a size six, a six twelve or a size twenty, there are gorgeous, wonderful and beautiful things about your body, that, unfortunately, society has made you feel bad about and made you blind to, and even made you feel like you should be ashamed of yourself.

I will never feel pressured by these people, to diet, to not eat whatever the living hell I want, and to most certainly never tell any lady anywhere that she can be whatever the damned size she wants to be. I will eat what I want, when I want, food makes me happy, and really that isn't anything to be ashamed of. I would rather be reading a book and eating a cream slice than laying on the floor in a puddle of sweat because exercising for longer than half an hour makes me feel like I might die - it doesn't make me happy, so who the hell would I be doing it for?! Answer; society.

So yeah, this has a Unite Sisters! feel to it, and why the hell not?! More often that not, I know that the trolling comments my photos get are the work of other women, and that makes me so fucking sad. It might be silly to say "Hey, why don't we all unite under our fuck-your-ideals banner?" - but you know what? 


You, reading this, you've been told before that you're too thin or that you would benefit from a diet, and you know what?


 You are beautiful, in your own damned way, you have a whole host of wonderful adjectives you can attribute to your character;

...funny - smart - beautiful - caring - passionate - artistic 
creative - sexy - confident - good - just - mother - adventurous 
ambitious - courageous - optimistic - helpful -romantic
sincere - frank - gentle - honest - imaginative...

Please don't let anyone take that away from you.

You do not need to care what size you are, and if anyone else is making you feel bad for being too big, too small or too in-between, then you need to reassess what the hell that person is doing being a part of your life.

You are beautiful. Just because they don't believe it, doesn't mean that you shouldn't, they are not you. They should have no opinion on your size, it's entirely your business. Whether you're a size twenty or a size two - YOU are your business, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

And last but definitely equally as important; this whole thing of fat and skinny shaming needs to stop. The "only a dog loves a bone" comments, the "fat-shaming" bullshit all needs to end too. What nasty, negative things to say.

You are a woman. This means you are part of standing up against all disgusting phrases and trends against other women, remembering your identity and realising women went through way too much shit in the past to have to put up with it from each other!


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